Saturday, November 11, 2006

Music and more

After a rather longer-than-expected cleaning-the-house-day, I've done another session of listening to the game soundtrack of Jets'N'Guns by Machinae Supremacy. A very well done music for a game I have never played, but after listening to the music, and laughing at few screenshots, I definatelly want to get my hands on it. It reminds me of Tyrian, the first PC game of new generation games that I played. (After that came the long addiction of UFO 2 or aka X-COM 2.) NES Rockman's (Megaman) Snakeman stage music really made a big impression on me even back then, that I still remember it to this day. If you are like that, into those old, nostalgic game beats of NES, SNES, arcade fighter shooters, or the good but somewhat limited due to the technology of the days RPG sounds of FF-like games but mixed with something new, and needless to say in a better quality for proper music speakers, here it is, check it out!

[ Edit: I also think that .ogg format flies are a somewhat better quality. ]
[ Edit 2: Oh, and I'm also a proud owner of their limited Redeemer underground edition CD :D ]

I also saw a post, about pictures, news and games , that is saved as a draft, a draft I've been trying to edit up and finally post it, now now for some 3 weeks(?), but can't get my attention (or motivation?) to it. I'll finally finish it up over the weekend.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


A curious misspelling lead me to

I wonder why they chose that address. Another mystery of the sort of which came first, chicken or the egg ...

But the site seems interesting as the creators claim it has a size equal to more than 6000 pages...

So does that mean that Randland is soooo popular???

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